Frequently Asked Questions
Can I make use of your services without any personal interaction?
Yes, you are free to use our services anytime, anywhere, at your terms. Though we value the importance of personal contact, we understand that this type of interaction is not always possible due to time constraints. Therefore, we dedicate our time to make sure you receive the best possible service in any kind of situtation.
Do you have any refund policy?
We have different kinds of refund policies in place, strict, medium and flexible. Our refund policies vary according to the service provided and are outlined prior to the deliver of any service.
I am not connected to the finance industry. Do you also provide advice and consultancy to different sectors of activity?
Yes. Although our services are primarly designed to assist the needs of finance stakeholders. Our investment experts provide tailored services across industries and activity sectors.
What are the benefits of signing up?
By signing up to our website you gain access to exclusive news, reports, industry specific insights, executive research and events.
I want to discuss your services in person. Do you have any office hours?
You can reach out to us via email or phone 24/7. If you want to meet us in person, please send us an email requesting a visit. We will get back to you within 48 hours.
I need training and coaching for my entire department. Do you provide services to big groups?
Yes. We provide training for big groups across departments.
Get all the answers you need before you commit
If we didn’t answer all of your questions, please let us know. We will be happy to provide you all the answers you need.